Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Mather Thoughts

As I keep reading, I begin to feel more and more drawn to wanting to read the Bible. It seems as if everything in the Bible can be related to the lives of the Puritans. If I understand correctly making connections between a person from the remote past to a person from New England time during the Puritan days is what the biographical parallel is. This biographical parallel reminded me in some way of reincarnation and the idea that the Puritans were reincarnated from the past. That they are famous and well know superiors and that is why they think that they are the true believers and leaders of the land. I also noticed that there was a connection made between Moses and Bradford. Which would give example to how the pattern of biographical parallels work. I think that Mather wanted others and himself to believe that they were inferior to others and by saying such things is how he accomplished that.

1 comment:

  1. The connection of Bradford to Moses makes me uneasy as I know that Bradford is in no way a Biblical character. The parallels that are formed and stated through these readings seem to put Bradford on a pedestal, yet humility is a characteristic that is expected from Biblical persons. I am glad that there is mention or correlation of the Puritans and reincarnation, it is a new idea to me and has started me thinking about this concept.
